34 Afghan Windows
A journey into the depths of Afghanistan
A focus on women's rights. A protest against indifference
A call of hope for a better world

We aim to dedicate ourselves to this land and to these people through our songs and arts that originated from a strong desire for peace and justice in the world. The aim of this project is to show the real part of Afghanistan to the world and condemn the violence and oppression that today still does not cease to exist. The women, children and men from this country should be seen and heard, should be felt and understood, and should not be forgotten. This project wants to show you what you won't see on the news, it wants to describe the cruel reality of what's happening today in Afghanistan and at the same time it wants to spread a seed of hope. We know and believe that art has the potential to shake the world and rebuild it better than before.
Art & Music have the potential to share the suffering and the joy of all humans. Through our actions, voice and our instruments we want to tell the stories of all those who are oppressed and who are currently victims of injustice, and this is the reason why we decided to dedicate ourselves to this new project which is called: “34 Afghan Window”.
Most of the performance content is based, told and shared by the biography of Elena Yaqubee, who experienced firsthand the injustices that we decided to immortalize in our art

Since the Taliban took over, life in Afghanistan has deteriorated dramatically. Women have no rights at all, they are tortured and persecuted, they can’t be educated, they can’t work, they can’t do art, and they don’t have the right to free choices. How many people face violence every day? How many silent deaths have there been so far? To whom should these people share their suffering? And how can they raise their voices if they are constantly persecuted and threatened by death?
We decided to dedicate ourselves to this new purpose which, in this first season, is a real campaign toward the universal rights of all human beings in this world, particularly towards the rights of all oppressed people in war countries, like the women in Afghanistan. We want to mainly shine the spotlight on topics such as: the "forgotten" land of Afghanistan and the "so-called" refugee crisis. Our intention is to fight against discrimination, promote social inclusion and to inaugurate a real awakening process. Our goal is to raise the voices of voiceless people through our artistic expression. Our dream is to make true the dream of suppressed people and to stand up for justice, for peace and solidarity.
34 Afghan Windows is an experiential journey that captivates each participant by giving them the opportunity to travel within the Afghan world, because unfortunately it is not possible to be there nowadays. The number 34 refers to the 34 provinces in which different cultures, traditions, music, and history are waiting to be discovered. Each window shows a different perspective, and our intention is to give every listener the opportunity to open the windows and discover the reality of this forgotten land. We focus on issues such as: war, violence, terrorism, the indifference of Western countries, women rights, the escaping process of refugees, the journey to Europe and at the same time we try to spread the seeds of hope, dreams and dignity.

"Whirling" has been one the most important songs of 34 Afghan Windows Performance because of its powerful message about Women's rights in Afghanistan. Since the Taliban took over their rights are deprived of any free choice. Every little action is forbidden or Haram for them. Women have been thrown out of society. Only men are allowed to take live.
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