Maida Maida

From the pain of a Burqa to the smile of a blue kite,

from the Hindu Kush Mountain to the Mediterranean Sea,

from cold wind of the winter to gentle spring breeze.

We sing and play our melodies of freedom,

unveiling those forgotten stories in every corner of the world.

So that, one day, everyone will embark on the journey of Liberation

Anyone who wants to share their art to build a better world can find a space on this site

Piano Piano

At a Slow Pace


As musicians, artists and activists we decided to dedicate ourselves to a new purpose which, in this first season, is a real campaign toward the universal rights of all human beings in this world, particularly towards the rights of all oppressed people in war countries, like the women in Afghanistan. We want to shine the spotlight on topics such as: the crisis of values, the "so-called" refugee crisis, the indifference of Western countries and much more. Our intention is to fight against discrimination, promote social inclusion and to inaugurate a real awakening process in the world. Our goal is to raise the voices of voiceless people through our artistic expression. Our dream is to make true the dream of suppressed people and to stand up for justice, for peace and solidarity.

We are looking forward to creating new networks and connections with associations, organizations, universities, festivals, theaters and event. “Our dream is to travel the world with our art, go on different stages and share stories of other continents, be the reflection of "invisible" people and spread a message of hope for a more equal world”.

The co-founders of this initiative are Elena Yaqubee and Fabio Joel Tunno. They are currently working on different projects and they have been collaborating for more than three years. Fusing their ideas, experiences and talents together they decided to begin a journey of “ACTIVE ART” in which the main purpose is to find a path of hope for all those who lost their dreams among the ruins of war and injustice.

Some Songs

Slowly slowly (in Dari:Maida Maida) open the window,
caress the breeze of freedom
and start cultivating a new seed.
Overfill the world with beauty

میده میده بریم به سوی آزادی
کلکین ها را باز کن، نسیم آزادی را نوازش کن
نهال شانی را شروع کن و دنیا را سرشار از زیبایی کن

"Let's go to Kabul" wants to focus primarily on the light of Afghanistan and has the mission to narrate the beauty covered by years of bloodshed and deadly attacks. Afghanistan should be seen and heard, should be felt and understood. This country is still existing and it will not vanish from the earth as long as people keep talking about it ...

Whirl with your embroidered skirt among the stoning
Whirl with your blue scarf in the fantasy of freedom
I see a woman from parasang (miles away)
She whirls on the peaks of Baba (mountain in Afghanistan)
She whirls on the canyons
She whirls until the sunrise

Your SUPPORT and DONATION helps us immortalize our art and spread it around the world.

For most people around the world, hearing the name Afghanistan brings to mind images of war and terrorism but underneath this brutal and frustrating modern history, lies a country with natural and cultural beauty.

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